Laptop Security - Do Not Panic If You Lost Your Computer

We are in a new generation where desk top computers have given way to the much less bulky laptop. Almost everybody has a personal computer, and every day we add more valuable information to it that we would no doubt hate to lose. Think about what you trust your laptop to carry - emails, photographs, many gigs of music, conversations, downloaded programs, your list of favorite websites along with several files of possibly banking and other personal data. We entrust these things to our laptops while the majority of us most likely never concern ourselves with backing up our hard drive or keeping paper copies of anything; the only source for our valuable photos, music and documents is our laptop, yet we never stop to think about the possibility of it being lost or stolen.

Although many of us will never bother to backup our data we hate the thought - and the possibility - of losing these things. It can take months to replace some of the information on a computer if it was ever to be lost or stolen, while other things we keep on it - like photographs - may be lost for good. Since we have embraced a new lifestyle where our computer travels with us, we must be prepared to defend it like anything else we carry on our person - like a bag from pickpockets. Because of the vastness and value of information that we entrust to our laptops it is nowhere near enough to simply install a lock screen that demands a password; a thief will take the entire notebook regardless, and your photos and music will go along with it.

To have peace of mind about the information you keep on a personal computer, that computer must have a robust security system that will not only deter a thief but will also recover all of your information in case of theft or loss. Imagine never having to worry about losing precious photographs that have no duplicates or files that you have been working on for ages - imagine being prepared in the worst case scenario; a lost or stolen laptop may send a twinge of worry through you, but with a new security programs available on the market you will never have to be troubled for long.

There's a choice of the laptop mobile security software available on the market that will put your mind at ease about the possibility of laptop loss. With such software your information is never lost nor will it enter anybody else's hands. Those programs allow you to recover all your files via an internet account, along with destroying the data beyond restoration on the lost computer; but before you choose to do all that it will tell you exactly where your computer is, just in case you simply left it somewhere close.

A locking screen is the first line of defense with some innovative programs - leave it on when you leave for vacation or even when you're gone for a brief period; an incorrect password entry on this screen immediately prompts an email to be sent to your address - check it from your blackberry or the hotel computer - and you will instantly know someone has tried to unlock your laptop. The email will include a map with the notebook's immediate location, good for tracking a lost computer or being alerted of a theft.

If your laptop has been compromised and you realize that recovery is impossible, your newly installed laptop security software steps up to the plate with a scathe-free solution. Using an online account you can recover absolutely every single file on the lost computer when it connects to the internet and you can also delete all the information so the thief is left with nothing. Imagine recovering precious files, music and photographs despite having lost the actual hardware.

Mobile Safepatrol's laptop security software has everything you need to prevent a bad situation from getting worse. Just because your laptop is lost doesn't mean you have to be; never miss a beat with this security software and guarantee yourself a line of defense against theft or loss. You never know how disabling it is to lose all your information until it actually happens, so don't ever let yourself feel that way.

By visiting the website below, you can gain even more valuable tips, strategies, and resources for your data protection and laptop security. Mobile SafePatrol ( allows you to recover all your files via an internet account.

Maya Lem is a writer and successful internet marketer who provides free valuable tips and strategies for your computer security needs.

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